Friday, October 31, 2014

still life major assignment

First object:

Second object

Third object

Wireless Sync and Remotes

1. You need two pocket wizards to fire a flash remotely.
2. LED status indicator.
3. 10 channels.
4. The light goes on in solid red color.
5. two pocket wizards and two plus x's.

Monday, October 27, 2014

Motion Preview

Motion preview
1. A longer (slower) shutter speed captures more movement.
2. Securing your camera and adjusting to shutter priority mode.
3. Because even small changes will make a big impact upon the shot so its better to shoot in a mode that gives you full control over the shutter speed.
4. Small apertures, decreasing the ISO, having a neutral density filter and panning.

Using Slow Shutter for Action Panning
5. set a shutter speed between 1/60 sec and 1/15 sec in Shutter Priority mode or Manual mode.
6. its important because the center will be focused and the background will be blurred. Thats how it should be in order to capture your main point clearly.
7. While continuously shooting the main subject will always remain on focus.

One Shot versus AI Servo Auto Focus Modes
8.  AI-Servo tracks focus on moving subjects so as your subject moves closer or moves further away your camera constantly updates focus to keep the subject as sharp as possible.
9. It can be used as both focus tracking and One-Shot.

What is Back Button Focus?
10. You don't have to worry about refocusing while shooting multiple times. 
11. if you have a still subject and hold down the AF-ON button in Servo mode, the camera will keep trying to work to find focus. So the subject will start going slightly in and out of focus because the camera thinks it should be looking for a moving subject. Basically its only better to use for fast/motion photography, not still life photography. 

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Virtual copies and snapshots

1. Using snapshots you can only export one photograph at a time.

2. The one who is open or is in use (selected)

3. To create a Virtual Copy of an image, simply press [Ctrl + ’]. (That is, the CTRL key on a PC, or the CMD key on a Mac, plus the apostrophe or quotation key.)   Then, once you’ve created one or two virtual copies, you can edit them however you like and export all of those copies as separate images.

4. If you use virtual copies instead of snapshots you can export all the pictures at once instead of having to export them one at a time.

5. If you remove or delete the master/original picture the virtual copies will be removed as well. 

B&W duotoned
basic color corrected


Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Stock photography and legal issues

Step 3:
1. A model release is pretty much like permission from the models to release photos of them.
Asking for a model release before the shoot will make your life much easier, and your model will have more opportunity to clarify how he or she would like the photos to be used.

3. Because your photos can be denied for having someone else's logo
4. Some images can be not suitable due to lack of space around the shot

Step 4:
5. Because they're free and easily to get
6. Because other designers might be using the same photograph
7. Buying stock photography
8. Royalty Free are easier to get and free and Stock photography you have to pay for and they have their rights.

Step 5:
9. You can be sued for taking a silly photograph of a stranger
10. Its funny if you get sued for that

Monday, October 6, 2014

Still Life Preview

Step 2
1.  fruit, vegetables and flowers
2. The photographer should have plain backdrops so the object/s will be the main focus. Also it would be better to have a smaller aperture.
3. Focuses better on the object and not the background.
4. To clear out the background.

Step 3
from snap wire

2.  Photos of ACL or other Austin festivals and activities
3. Anybody who doesn't have time to take photos themselves. Ex. Advertisers
4. It could be a way to begin a career in photography and start getting payed for it.

Step 4

Thursday, October 2, 2014

First free shoot

Close up on Teresa's ring
Amanda's eye close up

1. I'm happy about how these pictures came out, I used the macro lens and it really captured some good close ups.
2. Take more pictures in order to have more variety to choose from.
3. I learned how to use the macro lens.